Grades 9-12 Life Skills Activities

Before: Predict what plans are being made to protect families from the storm in various parts of the state (coasts, inland, Lake Okeechobee).
During: Imagine and write about the hurricane experiences in the various parts of their state listed above.
After: Listen to newscasts to determine what damage occurred in various parts of the state, compare the actual with their predictions, and use the sights and sounds of the storm to create a dance for themselves, a group of students, and/or younger children
Drama and Theater
Before: Think about and discuss: Who should be involved in the creation of the plan and preparedness? Who should be in command? How would you notify the community? What should be included in the plan? What services to the community will be included in the plan?
During: Write about the hurricane experiences in the city/county/state. Discussion questions: What was the most impressive thing that you experienced during the hurricane? Where is the safest place to be during a hurricane?
After: Assess and evaluate the city/county/state’s level of preparedness for the storm and make recommendations for improving readiness in the event of another storm.  Students, with parent’s permission, will also have opportunities to participate in community service activities during post-hurricane recovery. Did you experience any sense of disorientation, confusion, regression, and/or anxiety during and after the hurricane? Have you experience any other side effects? What impact has the hurricane had on you, family or friends?
Before: Gather materials for the composition of a Round including paper, pencils, manuscript paper (if available), and a guitar (if available).
During: Write lyrics to their song paying attention to the rhythmic and melodic lines. They will write the lyrics to fit in A-B form and using a variety of syllables in the words. This makes the rhythm more interesting.
After: Think about the city/county/state’s level of preparedness for the storm and make recommendations for improving readiness in the event of another storm. They can now write the melody of their Round, making certain it fits with the rhythmic structure of the words. They should add a chordal accompaniment.  Students, with parent’s permission, will also have opportunities to participate in community service activities during post-hurricane recovery.
Physical Education
Before: Create a three day menu of healthy food items referencing the food pyramid and develop a personnel fitness plan.  These activities should be fitness based and emphasize cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and muscular strength and endurance.
During: Perform activities based upon their individual personal fitness plan.  Reflect on the value of proper nutrition, daily exercise and how physical activity reduces stress.  A log of activities for students and family members should be kept daily.
After: Do exercises and activities that promote cardiovascular endurance such as: run in place, lunges, step-ups, crunches and high knee lifts.  A log of activities for students and family members should be kept daily.  Students should also assist community members in getting their property back in order as part of their daily physical activities.