Home Activities

In the event that a hurricane forces the closing of schools, the following enrichment activities for students in grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 may be completed at home. The activities support instruction in language arts/reading, mathematics, science, and social studies and provide students with opportunities to reflect on the impact hurricanes have on families, neighborhoods, and communities.
The activities for elementary school children are designed to be completed with the assistance of a parent or an older sibling. They may also be completed as a family exercise. All activities require minimal resources to complete and are based on the likelihood that homes will be without power. Of course the safety of everyone, especially the children, is most important. Please supervise all activities.

In addition to the instructional activities, a list of vocabulary words with suggested activities and a recommended reading list for elementary, middle school, and senior high school students are included. It is our hope that these activities will provide opportunities for students to remain engaged in learning during the time schools may remain closed.