Pre-K-2 Reading Activities
Elementary Hurricane Books BibliographyAnderson, Lena. Stina. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1988
Arnold, Caroline. El Niño. Clarion 1999.
Barret, Judi. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Published 1982. Accelerated Reader level 4.3/0.5 pts.
Blegvad, Lenore. Rainy Day Kate. New York: Macmillan,1987
Bodett, Tom. Williwaw! . Published 2000. Accelerated Reader level: 5.7/7.0 pts.
Branley, Franklyn. Its Raining Cats and Dogs. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990
Bunting, Eve. SOS Titanic. Harcourt 1996.
Byars, Betsy. Tornados. Harper 1996.
Calhoun, Mary. Flood. Morrow 1997.
Catherall, Ed. Exploring Weather. New York: Kingfisher Books, 1993
Chesworth, Michael. Rainy Day Dream. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1992
Cole, Joanna. The Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane. Published 1996. Accelerated Reader level: 4.3/0.5 pts.
Cone, Patrick. Wildfire. Carolrhoda 1997.
Demas Bliss, Corinne. Hurricane! Cavendish 2000.
Duey, Kathleen. Blizzard: Estes Park, Colorado, 1886. Aladdin 1998.
Evans, Lezlie. Rain Song. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995
Fields, T.S. Missing Mountains. Rising Moon 1999.
Freeman, Don. A Rainbow of My Own. New York: Viking Press, 1966
Ganeri, Anita Weather. Cambridge, Mass.: Candlewick Press, 1993
Gibbons, Gail. Sunken Treasure. Published 1988. Accelerated Reader level: 4.2/0.5 pts.
Gibbons, Gail. Weather Words and What They Mean. New York: Holiday House, 1990
Gramatky, Hardie. Little Toot. Published 2002. Accelerated Reader level: 4.7/0.5 pts.
Greenberg, Keith Elliot. Storm Chaser. Blackbirch 1997
Gregory, Kristina. Earthquake at Dawn. Hartcourt 1992
Ingalls Wilder, Laura. The Long Winter. Harper 1961.
Hesse, Karen. Out of the Dust. Published 1997. Accelerated Reader level: 5.3/3.0 pts.
Hest, Amy. In the Rain with Baby Duck. Cambridge, Mass; Candlewick Press, 1995
Hopping, Lorraine Jean. Clima Borrascoso. Huracanes!. Published 1999. Accelerated Reader level: 3.8/0.5 points
Hopping, Lorraine. Wild Weather: Lighting. Scholastic 1999
Houston, James A. Frozen Fire: A Tale of Courage. Published 1977. Accelerated Reader level: 4.9/5.0 pts.
Kehret, Peg. The Volcano Disaster. Minstrel 1998.
Kjelgaard, James Arthur. Stormy. Published 1978. Accelerated Reader level:
6.9/6.0 pts.
Kostyal, K.M. Trial by Ice. National Geographic 1999.
Kudlilinski, Kathleen. Earthquake! A Story of Old San Francisco. Puffin 1995
Lesser, Carolyn. Storm on the Desert. Harcourt 1997.
Lauber, Patricia. Volcano: The Eruption and Healing of Mount St. Helens. Aladdin 1993
Lowell, Susan. I am Lavina Cumming. Milkweed 1993
Magnuson Beil, Karen. Fire in Their Eyes. Harcourt 1999.
Martin, Bill and John Archambault. Listen to the Rain. New York: Henry Holt and Co.,1988
McCloskey, Robert. Time of Wonder. Published 1957. Accelerated Reader level: 5.1/0.5 pts.
McDonald, Megan. Beezy. Published 1997. Accelerated Reader level: 4.3/0.5 pts.
Rosada, Maria. Blizzard! And Ice Storms. Simon 1999.
Rose, Sally. El Niño! And La Niña. Simon 1999.
Ruckman, Ivy. Night of the Twisters. Harper 1986.
Ruckman, Ivy. No Way Out. Harper 1988.
Sabuda, Robert. The Blizzard’s Robe. Antheum 1999.
Scheer, Julian. Rain Makes Applesauce. New York: Holiday House, 1964
Shaw, Nancy. Sheep on a Ship. Published 1989. Accelerated Reader level: 1.1/0.5 pts.
Shulevitz, Uri. Rain Rain Rivers. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1969
Simmon, Seymour. Supper Storms. Published 2002. Accelerated Reader level: 3.0/0.5 pts.
Simmon, Seymour. Tornadoes. Morrow 1999
Souza, Dorothy M. Hurricanes. Published 1996. Accelerated Reader level: 5.9/1.0 pts
Spilsbury, Louise. Howling Hurricanes. Published 2004. Accelerated Reader level: 5.6/ 1.0 pts.
Steele, Philip. Rocking and Rolling. Candlewick 1997
Stevens, Carla. Anna, Grandpa, and the Big Storm. Puffin 1985
Tripp, Valerie. Samantha Saves the Day: A Summer Story. Published 1998. Accelerated Reader level: 3.8/1.0 pts.
White, Nancy. Scholastic’s The Magic School Bus Kicks Up a Storm: A Book About Weather. Published 2000. Accelerated Reader level: 3.4/0.5 pts.
Vogel, Carole G. Shock Waves Through Los Angeles. Little 1996.
Wisniewski, Davis. Rain Player. Clarion 1991
Zolotow, Charlotte. When the Wind Stops. Published 1995. Accelerated Reader level: 3.2/0.5 pts.